Select 20-40 affirmations you would like to adopt the most (write your own, or select from our expert-approved library).
While recording, mean and feel every word you say, even if you aren’t there yet. The new beliefs are the mindset you want to adopt, but the sentences are in the present tense like you have already adopted it.
Read it a few times before recording to sound convincing and confident.
Record in a quiet place without distractions with a confident voice. If English is not your native language, then translate the sentences and write them in your language .(use-> add->select your affirmation and write them in your language.)
Choose music that touches your soul. If you use your own music, choose relaxing music without words.
Set morning and evening reminders.
Use headphones. Listen at least once a day before going to sleep (when your brain waves are the most suitable for the practice). You can listen to your empowering meditation during day breaks or your free time to increase the impact.
Listen to your meditation track for at least 15 minutes a day for one month before going to sleep.
During the listening relax your body and let the words absorb into your mind.
Enjoy the benefits and keep practicing until your mindset changes. It can take time but your thoughts will only change with perseverance and determination.
Free version allows you to build a short version of the program; record up to 4 affirmations and use one default background music. You may change the affirmations any time and record again.
When you purchase one of the two available premium membership plans, you get an unlimited access to all the premium features for a period stated in the plan details. The features are: add and record unlimited number of affirmations, change background music (we provide four more options or you can upload your own), set auto-stop timer, add hashtags to create play lists.
With the Premium version, you could use only music that was explicitly downloaded to your device (from iCloud) via the Music app. The couple of songs you see are the only ones that were downloaded to your device.Please open Apple’s Music app, tap the “three dots” icon to the right of the music you would like to use and select “Make available offline” and then come back to the app and try to add.Then go back to ThinkUp and add this song via Change Music/Add.
If you purchased your ThinkUp subscription via iTunes, this request will be subject to the iTunes Terms of Service and is therefore non-refundable by ThinkUp.
The official App Store and iTunes Store policy is that all sales are final, though there are a few exceptions to this rule. You can get a refund if the app does not work as described, if you are charged but do not receive the item or if the app is not compatible with your device
As it can be quite difficult to go through the iTunes refund policy, we would suggest if you didn’t have your heart set on trying to get a refund that you should get in contact with to see if there’s anything we can do to help get you back on the road with ThinkUp.
If you do still wish to request a refund, please visit the iTunes Store for more details.
To restore affirmations from my local backup, please do the following:
To make the restore possible, please use the same device since we’re trying to restore them from your local iCloud. Otherwise, the restore is not possible
Make sure you have the latest update installed on your device
Open the Menu and tap a long tap of 4 seconds on the “Restore from backup” option (this unlocks the restore from the local backup option)
Now tap again on “Restore from backup”, if we were able to find a backup, we will show a message that indicates that and you can choose to load it or cancel.