28 Nov 2017

How to Use ThinkUp to Make Your New Year’s Resolution More Effective

affirmation,Affirmations,happiness,new resolution,personal growth,self help app,self-talk

A new year is right around the corner. Once again, it’s time to celebrate the approaching year and bring out a list of new year’s resolutions summing up your hopes, dreams, and goals for the coming year.


Before you go about planning the days ahead, though, take a few moments to reflect on what you have accomplished and what didn’t go so well. Like most people, you probably have questions and doubts that need to be answered before you can move on.

  • Did I like the past year? Did I make progress?
  • What mistakes did I make? What lessons did I learn?
  • What success did I achieve in this past year?
  • What am I going to do differently next year? What do I want to achieve?

Do these questions sound familiar?

If yes, that’s just because these are all common questions that most people think about.

Starting the New Year on a Positive Note

While it’s good to sit and reflect, it’s even more important to improve and prepare to take on your 2018 new year’s resolution actions with a fresh wave of positivity and build a new you by changing the way you think.

Life is filled with ups and downs, and now is the time to perceive it in a more positive way by teaching and training your brain and body to think differently.

Changing Your Mindset

How you perceive the outside world has a direct impact on your reality.

If you perceive things with an open and positive attitude your life as a whole will become more positive. It’s all about the way you perceive a situation and what you choose to look at.

A positive attitude is an adopted attitude; something that needs to be practiced and worked on. No one is born positive or negative; it’s a choice that one makes.

Positive Affirmations

Changing a long-held mindset can be difficult, but with positive thinking apps like ThinkUp which offers a wide collection of powerful affirmations including some really inspiring affirmations for women, the process can be made a lot simpler and more convenient.

Just download the app and record powerful self-affirmations in your own voice. You can even add your favorite music as a background track to it so you can listen to them before you go to bed.

Since the new year is coming soon, you can also use it to record your new year’s resolutions for later playback. Have you decided on your new year’s resolutions yet? Do share you top picks with us so we can compare and share ideas.


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