17 Jan 2017

Soup of Happiness

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What is happiness?
Can happiness be measured?
Is it possible to be in a state of everlasting happiness?
Happiness is a state of mind. It’s a practice, a concept, and something that is beyond measure. There are things and people that make us happy but true happiness can only enter our lives when we allow it to.

Yes, it can be controlled and the only person who can control it is you! The problem is that most people believe it’s things and other people that makes us happy..

When you bring in a paradigm shift towards your understanding of happiness and realize that nothing and no one can give you happiness, except you, then you will be in a forever state of happiness.

Happiness as a soup

Let’s look at it this way- happiness is a delectable soup that requires 7 unique ingredients. If you want to perfectly cook it and make every day full of flavor and aroma, you need to bring in these 7 ingredients.

While every ingredient in itself is capable of achieving happiness, a combination of all 7 is the perfect mix!

Are you ready to cook up some happiness?

Here are the 7 ingredients you will need.

1. Look at the Fraction as a Whole: Embrace What You Have

Take it as an 80-20 formula!

When something gives you 80% joy and 20% disappointment or unhappiness, focus on the 80% and look at it like it 100%.

For example, when you have a baby, 80% happiness comes in the form of love and 20% comes in the form of sleepless nights.  Expect only up to 80% from any situation. Change the way you think and train yourself to love the unperfect.

Every time you want life to be perfect, change your perspective and accept the 80% as if it’s 100%.

Most of the time, expecting a perfect situation will bring only suffering and disappointments. Train yourself to look at an imperfect situation as a perfect one.

2. Make a Difference!

There are so many people around us who need help. Donating money to a cause or volunteering to help those in need brings in a sense of satisfaction and joy that is unmatched to happiness received by material things. You can help someone with good advice or just your empathy.

Try it, you will feel much better.

3. Learn and Grow Every day

Never stop learning and never stop growing as an individual. Allow new things and experiences to open up your mind to newer possibilities. Create yourself every day and do something you may have never done or even thought of. Never stop expanding your horizons.

4. Make Someone’s Day, Every Day!

Every day of life is a new challenge and a new opportunity to help someone or make someone’s day. Reach out to anyone around you who may need your help. Be open and approachable and be someone that people seek when in need.

5. Bring out the Child Within!

All of us have a little child inside who is waiting to be let out!

Play, sing, dance, run, laugh, love, paint, create… Don’t stop the child from being a child. Embrace the innocent and fun-loving child in you.

6. Reflect and Introspect

Sometimes our happiness gets hidden or buried under other emotions.

Take out time to just relax and reflect about life. Talk to yourself and slowly unburden the mind until it finds its way to the top. Remove everything that is hiding and make it shine through.

7. Practice Positivity

Happiness comes through practice.

When you consciously allow the positive thoughts to take over the negative and make a choice to only allow joy in your life, you will receive it!

Every moment gives us a chance to be positive or negative, so choose to be positive. One way to practice positivity is by using positive thinking apps like the ThinkUp app.

The ThinkUp app has a lot of powerful affirmations for women that you can download and recite to yourself every day to help you get back on your feet whenever you’re starting to feel a little down. Download it for free from the App Store and Google Play and find self-affirmations that you think match your inner desires best.

As you probably know, happiness already exists within you; all you have to do is find it! Think positive, allow only positivity to rule your life, and don’t forget to pass the good vibes forward by sharing tips on what makes you feel happy and inspired. The comment section down below is all yours.


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