Tag Archives: meditation

ThinkUp Can Make You Feel Better

As the CEO of the company behind the ThinkUp app, a positive thinking app for developing a positive mindset, I have come across many exciting success stories. For instance, I heard that the ThinkUp app has helped to reduce the symptoms … Continue reading

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Soup of Happiness

What is happiness? Can happiness be measured?Is it possible to be in a state of everlasting happiness?Happiness is a state of mind. It’s a practice, a concept, and something that is beyond measure. There are things and people that make … Continue reading

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How to Increase Your Life Satisfaction

All we want in life is to find satisfaction. We are raised to believe that more money, a better job, or finding true love is the secret to leading a more satisfied life. But the answer isn’t found in material … Continue reading

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7 Ways to Increase Self-Esteem

Do you find yourself wondering how you can increase self-esteem? If you are prone to harsh self-judgments or negative self-talk, you may hold yourself back from happiness and opportunities. The unspoken words inside our heads can shape how we think … Continue reading

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