11 Sep 2017

The 7 Most Popular Love Affirmations on ThinkUp

Affirmations,Affirmations for love,positive thinking,positivity,relationship,ThinkUp

The first step to becoming more self-confident is by loving yourself. When you love yourself, your body resonates and attracts loving things into your life. This is where love affirmations can help.

Love Affirmations

Positive affirmations, when done on a regular basis, can go a long way in reinforcing your confidence and keeping your eyes fixed on your goals. The same is also true for love affirmations.

By constantly reminding yourself of who you are and what you have to give, you train your subconscious to accept no less than what you deserve.

Saying powerful self-affirmations with confidence is not something that you will learn overnight, but with the help of positive thinking apps like ThinkUp, you will soon be right on track.

Getting Acquainted With the ThinkUp App

Here’s how the app works.

Start either by selecting love affirmations from our list or creating your own. Then, record your chosen love affirmations using your own voice. 

This part is important because your our brain is more responsive to ideas when they’re said in your voice.

After you’re done recording your love affirmations, you can either choose to add background music to it or you can go ahead and practice with reading them to yourself out loud.

Love Affirmations Samples

Love affirmations can be anything from “Everyday I love myself a bit more”, “I accept myself exactly as  I am,” or “ I am learning to be thankful and grateful for the love in my life.”

Another approach would be affirmations such as “I deserve to be loved”, “I am a good person capable of giving love,” etc.

If the suggested affirmations do not resonate with you, you can easily make your own love affirmations. Just make sure that they ring true to you. Otherwise, your body will reject them, and the affirmations will not be effective.

7  Most Popular Love Affirmations on ThinkUp

If those samples are not enough for you, here are seven of the most popular love affirmations on ThinkUp to give you a head start.

  1. “I understand that every relationship starts within me. I have a wonderful loving relationship with myself.”  With 7087 votes
  2. “I deserve to be loved.” With 5858  votes
  3. “I am thankful and grateful for the love in my life” with 5779 votes
  4. “I am ready for a healthy and loving relationship”  with 4479 votes
  5. “I attract positive people into my life” with 4451 votes
  6. “I am surrounded by loving, supporting, and positive people.” with 4325 votes
  7. “I deserve the best in life. “ with 3588 votes

Quick Reminder

Just like a lot of things – building your way to a happy and fulfilling relationship is a process. Love affirmations can help, but, in order to reap their full benefits, you need to give them time to work their charm. 

Have you tried using positive thinking apps for love affirmations before? If not, this is your chance to download the free version of ThinkUp from the App Store or Google Play so you can get started today.


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