9 Aug 2016

5 Ways To Overcome Sleeping Problems

breath,insomnia,life satisfaction,mindfull,motivation,positive thinking,relaxation,sleeping problem,sleeping problems,ThinkUp

In this busy world, sleeping problems have become a common phenomenon. According to studies done at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, over 40 million struggle with insomnia or sleeping problems.

If you are one of them, there are five activities you can try to help solve the issue.

1. Use breathing exercises to release tension

You’d be surprised how much you’ve been holding in without your knowledge. Whenever you do this, your body tenses up and puts you in a negative space.

To fix this, release everything you’ve accumulated within then take deep breaths to allow fresh air to come in. Do this repeatedly whenever you get the chance to, including before bedtime. Soon, you might begin to notice improvements in your sleeping problems.

2. Watch a funny movie and laugh your heart out

Laughter truly is medicine for the soul.

Even if you’re not in the mood to laugh, try watching funny movies before bedtime. Watching an old favorite movie with good memories can be like spending time with old friends. You can also try a new flick to get something new to laugh at. This will lighten your mood and help you release your stress.

3. Ease sleeping problems by practicing meditation

A lot of times, the mind is filled with the stress of the day. Instead of holding everything in, it’s better to let go of it. Many people use meditation to help form a quieter mind, and you can use it too.

There are many useful apps like Headspace, Calm, or Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey’s meditation apps which I found very relaxing and useful for quieting the mind.

4. Start a bedtime routine

If you normally take a shower in the morning, try making it part of your bedtime routine instead.

After you take a hot shower, put on some relaxing music and clean, comfortable nightclothes. A consistent routine lets the body know that it is time for bed.

You can also listen to relaxing music to help you ease into a peaceful night’s sleep.

5. Use positive thinking apps to free yourself from negative thoughts

Banish negative self-talk. It will be difficult to relax if you won’t stop beating yourself up over your perceived mistakes.

To reprogram the mind for positivity, try self-affirmation apps like ThinkUp.

ThinkUp helps you change your thoughts from negative to positive. They have plenty of powerful self-affirmations and you can either choose from a variety of affirmations for women or you can add your own.

Download it for free from the App Store or Google Play today and listen to your first set of self-affirmations and be on your way towards solving your sleeping problems.

If you found something that worked really well for you, don’t forget to share them down below so other members of the community can try them too.


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