4 Jan 2018

9 Affirmations For Women That Contribute to Personal Growth

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Are you looking for self-affirmations for women to incorporate in your daily routine?

We all want to grow and be the best version of ourselves, but it can be hard to figure out where to start. A good thing is there are powerful affirmations that can take you one step closer to becoming the best you

Below are some examples.

Powerful Affirmations for Women Seeking Personal Growth

  1. I love myself, respect myself and accept myself exactly as I am.
  2. I deserve to be happy and loved.
  3. I am doing my best and it is enough.
  4. I have something special to offer the world.
  5. I love myself and treat myself with kindness.
  6. I have been blessed with qualities that uplift others and even on my hardest days, I am the perfect mother for my children.
  7. No success is too small to celebrate, and I revel in the tiny wins today.
  8. I recognize the wisdom, strength, and compassion that within me.
  9. It isn’t selfish to be kind to myself.

How to Make Positive Affirmations Work for You

Write your own affirmations or take an inspiration from the ThinkUp app. Say it aloud daily, or use our daily reminder cards. Remember to include only positive words in your affirmations. There’s no place for negativity!

Positive statements are definitely an encouragement, especially to those women who are feeling down deep inside. Write affirmations saying that you like the woman in you and that you are perfect exactly as you are.

Make a Habit of Listening to Your Affirmations

It is better to make a habit of recording and listening to your affirmations so that you could hear them or say them aloud whenever you feel low or are stressed out.

Try to listen to your recorded self-affirmations before going to sleep or as soon as you wake up in the morning. Using positive affirmations every single day can help reduce stress, make you more confident, and make you happier.

These self-affirmations for women might seem simple, but when repeated daily, they can be very empowering.

Download the ThinkUp App to Start Recording Self-affirmations

The ThinkUp app has a lot of powerful affirmations for women, but users are also greatly encouraged to share their own. Download the ThinkUp app today so you can start recording. After you’re done making your own, you can also share your list in the comment section below to inspire other women.


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