1 May 2017

ThinkUp Can Make You Feel Better

app,meditation,positive affirmations,positive thinking,self help,ThinkUp

As the CEO of the company behind the ThinkUp app, a positive thinking app for developing a positive mindset, I have come across many exciting success stories.

For instance, I heard that the ThinkUp app has helped to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety and change people’s self-talk.

Baby Jonathan: ThinkUp’s Most Touching Success Story

Recently, I heard about a family who arrived at Stanford hospital for necessary heart surgery for their infant child, Jonathan.

Just before the surgery, Jonathan had an infection. This complicated the situation and obviously made the parents stressed and terrified. Jonathan was put under anesthesia and connected to a respirator.

That day, I went to a conference, but I couldn’t focus. My mind was occupied with thoughts of Jonathan. Later, I decided to call the family. I wanted to be of help, although at that moment, I had no idea how I could do that.

Arriving at the Hospital

Once I arrived at the hospital, I saw two desperate parents who were desperately seeking any help that they could get. The situation was miserable. They needed a miracle.

In the beginning, I explained my specialty.

“I can make an audio recording for your child that can help give his body the power and strength that it needs,” I said.

At first, they looked at me as if I was talking about some magic. However, I explained to them that, the more positivity their child will hear, the more his brain will be able to help his body cope with his situation.

It is not a standalone tool, and I don’t really know the reasons why Jonathan woke up a week later. However, I do know that he is well now, feeling better than ever. Instead of listening to his crying mother, he heard her voice reassuring him.

The Recording

We sat there for almost an hour and recorded positive affirmations for little Jonathan’s beautiful meditation soundtrack.

Mommy and Daddy encouraged him with comforting phrases such as, “We love you, and need you to be strong for the family and for yourself. We would like to hug you and play with you again.”

When the parents heard the powerful affirmations combined with very soft and relaxing music after recording it, they started to cry.

In such an overwhelming situation, I think this was one of the only little hopes they had remaining.

He’s Feeling Better

Now baby Jonathan is feeling much better, and my heart is bursting with joy because I created a positive thinking app that can help people like Jonathan feel better.

And this is not the only story.

We have hundreds of successes ranging from losing 300 pounds to extraordinary recovery from cancer surgery.

I am grateful for this app. It changed and continues to change my life and that of many other people. Because of this, my mission is to spread this kind of positive self-talk to every corner of the world.

However, change begins with a community, so I can’t do it alone.

Please help us in this endeavor by joining our community of ThinkUp app users and helping spread the word about our app to revolutionize the lives of many people around the globe. Comment down below if you’re up for the challenge.


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